Monday, August 03, 2009

This just in about MIFF ticket sales

I don't often cut and paste emails and media releases, but in this instance I'm happy to make an exception:


It's business as usual on the MIFF ticketing website!

You may have read a lot of information recently in the press about the MIFF website and ticketing system. This email is to remind you that the web ticketing system is functioning as per normal, with some changes described below.

Some important points to note:

- The MIFF ticketing system has not been compromised in any way; no-one has been able to break into the system

- The ticketing system website passes PCI credit card and McAfee security checks; both are best practice industry security standards.

- All customer and credit card details are transferred using SSL encryption to maintain your privacy

- The ticketing site is locked down to Australian computer ip addresses only to filter out any potential offshore issues

- All information and activity on the system is logged and actively monitored, and any unauthorised activities that take place will be referred to police or lawyers for criminal or civil prosecution To access the MIFF ticketing website:

- You must have an account to log in to the ticketing system to be able to browse and purchase tickets.

- If you have purchased tickets this year on the website, you already have an email address and password to access the ticketing system.

- If you have forgotten your password, please contact MIFF via phone on 03 9662 3722 to recover your password.

- Make sure you print off your tickets to any sessions, as you book them.

Queues are developing to buy tickets and pick up bookings before sessions. You can create bookings via phone 03 9662 3722, or in person at any one of the MIFF box offices, but the fastest, easiest and most convenient way to book tickets is ONLINE using the ticketing system.

There are still tickets available for many of the excellent sessions over this final week of the festival. We urge you to take advantage of the ticketing website and see as many great films as you can!

Best wishes

MIFF ticketing staff

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